Sunday, October 14, 2018

History can repeat itself—if we let it.

        I was watching a history of the tsars of Russia on Netflix, and I was watching the reign of Nicholas II. He was the last Tsar before the Bolshevik revolution that began the Soviet Union. Nicholas was a family man and a deeply spiritual man believing in the divine right of kings to rule, but he was a medieval person ruling a modern timed country. His grandfather just freed the serfs of Russia during his reign, which ended a long standing tradition. Peasants were becoming land owners or working in modern factories to make a living. Although Nicholas’ grandfather’s reforms didn’t give the serfs true liberty because the nobles of the time took most of the good land, it did give them a will to act in Russian affairs. Radical terrorists called the peoples will killed Nicholas’ grandfather in a attempt to overthrow the government. They thought that this act would change Russia forever, but it only made his son more tyrannical against the terrorists of his day in order to stabilize Russian society. Nicholas’ father thought that the western enlightenment worldviews in Russia were the cause of his father’s death, and wanted to return to a more traditional Russian worldview.

        This was against his ancestor’s view of modernizing Russia: reformers like Peter the Great and Catherine the Great made Russia a world empire. The people didn’t settle down when Nicholas took the throne, and his father’s view of Russia overwhelmed him by making him more religious and filled with piety than his ancestors. More churches rose up during his reign then those before him, but it didn’t stop the people from revolting through communist rule. The tsars just recently freed the serfs, but the serfs were still in a lot of debt due to not having good land to make a living. Russia had no constitution because the tsars ruled, and Nicholas’ wanted it that way. The rise of Marxism in Russia during the late 19th century and early 20th century should be something that we American’s should be listening too. History is repeating itself here in America.

        America is under a cloud of debt that we can’t truly repay under president trump who is a devout Christian who’s a family man, and we are living with the most division in America since the civil war. Even now, there’s a great divide between Republicans and Democrats over a man who has the power in the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs Wade. Democrat Marxists don’t want abortion to be illegal again, and did what they could to destroy this man’s name. The left ruled by Marxists are no different than the Marxists in Russia during Nicholas’ reign. They wanted a cultural revolution like the Marxists in America. We are repeating history today. What caused the fall of Nicholas was his involvement in World War I for he personally led the war in Europe, but because he was away in Europe there was no one to take care of Russia domestically. Because peasants were fighting in the war and not farming or working to feed the people, they were under a famine. We in America have a lot of corporate farms with little people actually working them. There are more foreigners working on our farms than actual Americans. This should be scary to think about.

        We are going through a repeat of history for people like Barak Obama and his socialist friends that run the deep state in government are trying to collapse the economy making this nation into a communist country like the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. This revolution and the great depression in America in the 1930s cause the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. I fear that we are repeating history, and the rise of Europe as a world power will come because of our collapse. Is there a way to stop it? Well, if it’s possible to have a spiritual revival like after 9/11 when every American went into the churches, than it’s possible to return to God and restore America’s constitutional rights under biblical Christianity, but Nicholas was a spiritual man and was very medieval in his thinking. It’s possible to return to God with a righteous president who can speak compassion and love for the people and be with the times.

        It’s possible that God placed Trump in power to delay the inevitable fall of this nation, but is it the will of God for this nation to fall? I fear that it is, but it’s not the will of God that any of His people should perish. America is almost in a time of revolution, and unless God interviews to save us, tyrants will rule. But, America had fought a revolution before, and by the grace of God’s divine providence, we had prevailed. If we have good people rise up and face the darkness in our greatest time of need, and by the grace of God and His divine providence, we will prevail again in the last war before Christ’s return. May we be there when we see Christ save His people.