Saturday, May 15, 2021

Prove Peace

         War has broken out in Israel again in this year of 2021, which is 73 years after the first Arab-Israel conflict happened. 1948 was the year that Israel declared independence from the British Mandate that they were under since the end of World War I. The Palestinians were under this same mandate as well, but weren't promised a homeland like the British did for the Jews with the Belfour Declaration. there were conflicts between the Arabs and the Israelis before the State of Israel existed, but i'm not going to focus on those. the first conflict between then two happened after the United Nations created a two-state solution by giving a portion of the land to the Jews and another portion to the Arabs, and making sure that Jerusalem and Bethlehem were in international hands. This didn't satisfied the Arabs in 1947, and they tried to conquer the land of Israel for themselves and killed the Jews in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem until the Israelis saved them in the War of Independence. Arabs lost a lot of territory to the israelis, but kept the temple mount and the Al-Aqra mosque, which was under the control of Jordan.

        This was the first of many conflicts between the israelis and the Palestinians. Israel had always been in need of a homeland as was promised to them by the British after World War I. Wars had been fought over the land with Israel victories in 1967, 1973, 1980, 2003, 2008, 2012, and now. the problem in the conflict is the same. both sides have learned to not get along as members of the family of Abraham. Palestinians want to take the whole land of Israel for themselves, and the Jews want a land to live in peace. No one is doing what the God of Abraham wants them to do. No one is proving to live in peace with each other. Even if there's a two-state solution to this conflict--which had been done before and led to war. How can you expect the two-state solution to happen again? The Palestinians want the whole land--even if that means killing Jews, and Jews only want to live in peace.

        Nothing has changed in 73 years of this conflict between the two. If i may be bold to tell you the truth. the only reason why this recent war in the middle east has happened is because the president of the United States sent aide to the Palestinians that gave them funding to fund terrorists. That's how Hamas got the rockets to fire into Israel. Trump cut the funds to the Palestinians because he knew they were funding Terrorists. Joe Biden is to blame for the conflict today because of his anti-Israel policies. there are consequences for actions, and more so for people of power. I love the quote from Abraham Lincoln when he said: "Any man can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Biden has been tested with power, and is failing because of his unfruitful character. We need to learn the wisdom of the God of America. If you want to have peace in the Middle East, stop funding terrorists. Stop fueling terrorists, and stop making war for no reason at all. Prove with your actions that you want peace.

        I have the luxury of going to Israel and Jordan in 2008, and i have the luxury of learning about both the Israelis and the Palestinians. I have learned that the Israelis are very down to earth and the Palestinians were a very family ordained people. both want to live in peace, but are faced with problems that the land offers. Both are of the seed of Abraham, and both want peace. prove me wrong that they both want peace. prove it, and wage peace instead of war. Only then can the conflict end. Theodore Roosevelt said it best: "speak softly, but carry a big stick." hopefully, war will end: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Shot Heard Around the World

         This day is the anniversary of the battle of Lexington and Concord that sparked the American Revolution. On April 19, 1775, British troops sent by the royal governor of the colony of Massachusetts marched to the town of Lexington and were met with the colonies farmers and brave men on the American side. Before this famous battle, a famous man named Paul Revere did his midnight ride to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adam that the British were coming. Paul Revere did his best to avoid British capture in order to warn the people of the danger that would come. But this revolution to create a new nation started with this midnight ride and also began with what Ralph Waldo Emerson said in his Concord Hymn the shot heard around the world. that shot happened on the bridge of Concord and in the town of Lexington, but no one knew who actually made the shot to start the revolution.

        This battle started a chain of events that led to the battle of bunker hill and the battle of Dorchester heights, and eventually to the glorious declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Lexington and Concord was a victory for the Americans who went toe to toe in musket fire against the more trained and more disciplined British. The British couldn't defeat the will of the Americans to fight to the bitter end, and they eventually retreated to Boston when the British charged the hills of Bunker hill fighting toe to toe with the more advantaged Americans and dying in the process. American would have won that battle if it wasn't for their gun powder running out. The Americans were defeated, but the British lost a great deal of men to make it so. This boast the morale of the Americans and demoralized the British. So much so that they never fought George Washington in Boston, but retreated by ship when Washington was at Dorchester Heights, which was considered a miracle by divine Providence

        These American inspiring battles were the beginning of eight long years of war to gain our independence and liberty. Patrick Henry said it best when he said in his famous speech to the Virginia Legislature: "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!". The ups and downs of the American Revolution helped shape the nation into what it is today--even though we had forgotten the famous battle of Lexington and Concord. The world was turned upside down after America became a nation, and without the shot heard around the world, we wouldn't have an America as we see it today with all our accomplishments and standards of living. The humble roots started this day on 1775, and it shouldn't be forgotten.

        What does this anniversary have to do with you O Reader? Well, right now, America is fighting against herself between two revolutions: the Marxist revolution, and the American Revolution of 1775. We can't be half Marxist and half American under God; for a house divided against itself cannot stand. Who among you will fight for his Land, God, and Union? Who will fight our foes like the Americans of 1775 against the British? Who will save the Union? Who will fight to the bitter end for the American way of life freely declared on the declaration of Independence and the constitution? Who will renew the covenant that the founders made with God and relied on His providence giving their lives, fortunes and their sacred honor? will you on this anniversary of the shot heard around the world do these things? God willing.