Saturday, May 5, 2018

A Meditation #1

        I was listening to a sermon about the topic that this blog is about. I was moved by the sermon into doing some of my own meditations; for I haven’t done them in such a long time. I, like every other Christian, have been planted by God into this cosmos just as Jesus said in the parable of the wheat and the tares. We live in a mindlessly ruled orderly arrangement of society, and that system that rules this world was designed to take our time and to keep us busy with the cares of this world: jobs, entertainment, political discussions, even family and friends. The cosmos steals our time away from God, and satan loves it that way. The less time we spend with God the happier satan is. Everyone under this cosmos is born, lives a short while, and then dies. It’s vain, as Solomon said in Ecclesiastes; for he said about this life: “Vanity of vanities all is vanity.”

        I find myself in Solomon’s shoes lately: trying to find the reason that God planted me on this earth. Solomon searched for the reason all of his life, and couldn’t find it. I pray constantly for God to show me why I am here. As I was thinking about the sermon and learning about this world and what it really is, I realized that I wasn’t meant for this world. I was meant for God’s world when Christ returns, and as long as God planted me in this world, I am supposed to be a light to it by making small influences in the world to inspire God’s way of life in others. God has a plan to end this cosmos system that has no meaning, and give it to His Son to tend and keep it forever. In God’s world, life will be meaningful and valued, and the people of this world tomorrow will have their problems solved by their Creator.

        The poverty, disease, refugee problems, and problems with people not living up to their full potential will be solved in God’s world where everyone will be full of love and truth taught by God. The mindless cosmos will have a humble, freedom-giving, and loving mind directing everything from the top, and everyone in the world will keep God’s way of life from the heart and mind. There’ll be no more war. I look forward to that day, but until then I live on in this mindless, meaningless cosmos that satan uses to keep us away from God—if we love it more than God. I find myself not loving this empty world, but to look forward to the building whose foundation is laid by God in the New Jerusalem. I have to live in this world, and this world will have its influence on me, but I try to keep it to a minimum, and influence the world as much as possible with the love of Christ.
        I hope to encourage my readers with this meditation, and any further meditations about life and other things to think about. Meditation is something that we need to do more of; To get away from the world, and just think about God and other things in our lives: to listen to the Holy Spirit as we think about things in a focused meditation. I need to do this more often in my own pilgrimage to the Kingdom of God, and I hope to continue to do it on a regular basis. Joshua was told by God to mediate on God’s law day and night in order to have good success. I hope to continue with further meditations about God, His law, and His way of life working in me. God willing, He can influence and inspire others to do the same with this and other blogs.

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