Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Heretic

        I was watching a video of California’s legislatures debating over a bill that’ll ban religious books including the bible from the state. This goes directly against the bill of rights in America giving us freedom of religion in this country, but the democrats in California have a communist agenda in mind—which is to turn America into a communist country without God and the bible. But, we were born heretics in this country, and I mean that in a nicest way because the Pilgrims were considered dissenters and heretics in British Anglican society. The pilgrims wanted freedom of religion in a country of their own. At first, they moved to Holland to find it there, but couldn’t find it because they feared that the place would corrupt their children, so they decided to go to the New World as Virginia Company’s indentured servants. They were servants for 7 years on the land, but they were free to believe in their beliefs based on the bible.
        The democrats are trying to rewrite history, but any good historian can see the truth for what it is. This nation was a Christian nation based on the bible, and now they want to ban that book in California. California had a brief history of evangels ruling that state in the 1960s giving rise to Ronald Reagan who became Governor at that time. The Christians of the time were against communism and were for national defense having been a part of the Military Industrial complex that ruled America during the Cold War with the Soviet Union. These Evangels wanted to live secure lives without communism and be able to worship God in peace and safety like their Pilgrim forefathers before them. Ronald Reagan didn’t become president until the 1980s, but the power of the evangel vote was there in California and all across the U.S. So, what went wrong in that state that they’ll go from believing the bible to banning it entirely?
        When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, there was no need for the military industrial complex anymore, so under Clinton’s presidency the nation turned to a consumeristic society based on investing and profits. Nixon started the tread in the 1970s when he put us off the gold standard, but that’s a different story altogether. California gave in to the gay and lesbian movement in San Francisco as well as the liberal Hollywood communist agenda, and the Christians moved out of the way and it became a democrat-run state ever since. The gays and the lesbians don’t want the bible to be read in school or in public because it goes against their way of life, but their agenda goes against freedom of religion that the founders put into the heart of this country. The government there wants people to believe the same things they do and not go outside their orthodox theology of communism. Christians will be persecuted in that state if the law gets passed and they’ll leave the state.
        This idea of banning the bible was not new because it was done before in Europe and England. John Wycliffe translated the vulgate into English, and after he died the authorities at the university he taught banned translating the bible into English—this happened in the 14th century. About 200 years later, a man named William Tyndale translated the bible into English during the reign of Henry the VIII and was burned at the steak for doing it. His response was a prayer to God to open the eyes of the king, and God did because Henry VIII started the Anglican Church and spread the bible throughout the lands of England—which were Tyndale’s translation of the scriptures. These heretics died for their belief in the bible, and America needs men and women of faith to step up and be heretics for God because the more communists come into powerful offices in government the more they’ll want to persecute Christians for their beliefs. Christians need to speak for their faith and restore the foundations of the nation to biblical Christianity of the Pilgrims; for that’s the only way to have religious freedom in America again.

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