Thursday, November 15, 2012

Secession or Amendment

        I would like to pour out my heart to all the states that are petitioning to secede from the Union. It is now all 50 states that are doing it on Allow me to give you the words of Peter Morrison, a treasurer of the Hardin county Republican party in Texas, who sparked secession in his e-newsletter. Please note that I only have what was on the Texas Observer:

“Like the remainder of Lee’s army after Gettysburg, it is our duty to keep fighting to the bitter end, in hopes that Providence might shine upon our cause before it is too late.  We must contest every single inch of ground and delay the baby-murdering, tax-raising socialists at every opportunity.  But in due time, the maggots will have eaten every morsel of flesh off of the rotting corpse of the Republic, and therein lies our opportunity.


“They” re-elected Obama last night.  He is their President.  And we must admit to ourselves at some point, it is now their country.  Just as Scotland is currently contemplating her own independence from Great Britain, it is time for the more conservative constituent parts of this country to consider whether this sacred union is really quite so sacred anymore.


In this respect, Texas can lead the way.  Texas was once its own country, and many Texans already think in nationalist terms about their state.  We need to do everything possible to encourage a long-term shift in thinking on this issue.  Why should Vermont and Texas live under the same government?  Let each go her own way in peace, sign a free trade agreement among the states and we can avoid this gut-wrenching spectacle every four years.” 

--Peter Morrison, The Peter Morrison Report, November 7, 2012

Now, I had only heard about the petitions for secession at church, and could not believe that it was in fact taking place. When doing research into finding out the truth about this, I found the petitions on As time went on, people got more serious about it. I even saw a map on facebook regarding what states would be what and where, which was along the lines of how the 2012 election turned out: blue in the west, blue in the northeast, and red everywhere else. However, in finding out that all 50 states are petitioning secession, I find myself thinking about Abraham Lincoln. I do not believe that there’s much talk about his first Inaugural address, but it is most profound what he said in light of what’s happening now. He said this on March 4, 1861:

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it. I cannot be ignorant of the fact that many worthy and patriotic citizens are desirous of having the National Constitution amended."

        Mr. Morrison gave two good reasons for secession, and that’s Abortion and Socialism. If all 50 states today would truly secede from the Union in order to remove Abortion and Socialism from American life, should we not overturn Roe v. Wade and replace it with a Constitutional Amendment to abolish abortion? Should we not replace the religion of humanistic socialism in our educational institutions and churches with Providential, Biblical Christianity? Should we not do these things without secession as to keep the Union together under God through the Constitution? In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to ‘preserve, protect, and defend’ it.” (First Inaugural Address).

        I love this country with its virtues and vices as well as its favors and follies. I still believe that God has a purpose for her still, and I will do whatever I can to avoid a second, bloody Civil War under the contract of our covenant with God: the Constitution. I hope and pray that there are many others who desire the same thing.

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